Our ambition is to create a powerful product that allows us to simultaneously drive positive, sustainable change. It was on this premise that the Berlin-based sneaker brand Kulson was born in 2017. Since we are constantly questioning ourselves and always looking for improvements, we thought we would share some of these thoughts publicly.
This time, we were primarily concerned with thoughts around the topic of sustainability and the path we have taken with our ambition. Maybe the thoughts we wrote down will inspire you. We would be pleased.
Especially after the last year, in which probably for most of us things turned out to be different than planned, we asked ourselves whether selling sustainable products makes us, but also other sustainable companies, more resilient. There’s probably no crystal clear answer to that question in absolute terms. But what can definitely be said in our experience is that the common denominator of sustainable action and thinking can positively influence corporate culture. There is a common superordinate goal and the way to get there is predetermined: Clean.
At the same time, of course, this also means that an incredible number of things have to be observed and adhered to in order to remain true to this line. We have overcome many barriers along the way and I am sure each one has made us stronger. Products that send a core message while holding a certain attitude towards life also certainly sometimes find it easier to create ambassadors.
We also often feel that in the sustainable segment there is often mutual support rather than ruthless competition.
We hope that more and more companies will decide to follow similar paths and adopt sustainable ways. More social responsibility and a more pronounced donation culture among large companies would be great. Sustainability is finally gaining momentum on both the customer and producer side and can foster long-term relationships on both sides.
Quality over quantity should become much more of a premise, and you’d think we’re on a good path as handmade, sustainable products gain popularity. It can be insanely fulfilling to own fewer but select products with high quality and longevity, rather than masses of cheap goods. Give it a try if you like. It would be desirable to pass on to future generations a world that offers comparable privileges and natural wonders that we have been able to experience on this planet. Away from overproduction and towards a more efficient, sustainable use of raw materials.
We will continue to stay true to the path of the sustainable designer sneaker label from Berlin and are especially happy to have gained more stores in Switzerland as partners this year. In Zurich there are a number of great sustainable fashion stores that are definitely worth a visit. Whether it’s for the office look or home office time, sustainable products are finally on the rise – not just in Switzerland...